Spiritual Enlightenment

Looking to the dictionary I define enlightenment as being free from ignorance or misinformation and having a full comprehension of reality.

Western views of enlightenment usually involve an understanding of the sciences or the verifiable facts of the world as discovered through empirical research specifically. Enlightenment refers to a stage of cultural growth experienced in the 18th century in which an intellectual movement focused on reason as a primary source of authenticity.

The Buddhist view of enlightenment is different and much harder to define as it is not something easily understood before attaining. It is in short an awakening to our fundamental nature seeing ourselves and our surroundings as they truly are without the lens of our preconceived notions.

It is a letting go of the self. It is important to give due attention to both brands of enlightenment. The Buddhist flavor is one that is often overlooked in our busy practical and centered culture.

I do agree that having a spiritual guide is important as they have been already where you want to go. True awakening is within and is not dependent on anyone else. You can find it in yourself and grow spiritually on your own. If you are seeking an answer or a practice visit spiritual places until you find what you're looking for. But there is no place to peace and enlightenment other than going within. To achieve enlightenment -base on my experience- there are things have to go through.

The first thing come is the chaos and provocation. This is a moment of a paradoxical or paradigm shift in brain and consciousness.

Then you will go through is ego adjustment. How long this takes is different for everyone. How large or small the adjustment the ego needs, is not relevant. Just the choice to adjust our egos are a part of us, it is necessary for survival. It is how the ego was conditioned that may need adjustment. Is it conditioned from a lifetime of fear and want or love and necessity. Is it conditioned to feel insecure or safe to grow.

We also should dealing with limitation and time. Adjusting the ego to clear the mind is, what is meant every time you hear the saying empty your cup. Once the mind is empty of the old attachments it can be filled with spiritual consciousness. Building spiritual consciousness is an experience. It is doing the same things you always have. It is your new awareness and perception of it that makes it all a new experience. It's going to take some time to do all those things you have always done on a daily, weekly and yearly routine with new awareness and perception. Experience takes time. Experience is what matters. So please don't rush.

After that, we need self-examination. Self-examination is time put into reflection. This can be done from the beginning of course which I recommend specifically at this stage after experiencing your spiritual awareness and continually moving towards spiritual growth. Examine your overall progress. We will always go through ups and downs. In this process always questioning ourselves if it's worth it. It can be challenging. Learning to self-reflect can reveal that our steps backwards are often followed by leaps forward. It is also in this stage helpful to readjust the ego a little. It can be easy to get caught up in defining ourselves as new awakened spiritual beings. This is contrary to the idea of remaining neutral and humble. Defining ourselves is attachment.

After time experience and practice, you may develop a sense of purpose to do more with your spiritual consciousness. It's common to feel a need to continue growing. Once you have obtained the practice of bringing to others what you've received, continues your growth. It may be as simple as compassion to everyone you meet or something more. By now you will start feeling this naturally.

Now comes the spiritual enlightenment. Once you are here there is no going back for you will remain in light until eternity. You may feel a responsibility at this point. this can also be hard sometimes as you now see reality clearly. Sometimes it's not pretty. Many things come in the enlightenment stage. You will understand natural and universal laws such as cause and effect and laws of attraction. You'll understand energy surrounding and moving through everything.

Finally I want to add that our intuition will guide us. If we let it our intuition guides us to whether we use this enlightenment to help or harm ourselves and others.


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